We have built many reference prefabricated wooden buildings and made as many wants and ideas real. They have been fulfilled as unique, quality, comfortable, economical, safe and healthy living. We have been trusted by many satisfied owners of prefabricated wooden houses, investors in public buildings and clients who ordered unique wooden façades, extensions and upgrades.

We know how to make your wishes come true and we shall justify your trust as well.

We will create a home that suits your needs. With you. For you.


The collection of completed prefabricated wooden buildings, from residential houses, public or business buildings, to examples of holiday buildings is extremely rich and we are proud of each project on its own.
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  • 03/03
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Wooden house near the French-Swiss border

Location: Lajoux, France Slovenian architecture and low-energy wooden construction has found a place in the heart of the Jura mountain range near the French -Swiss border. A French investor was taken...

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Housing estate of 160 houses in the Oxford suburbs

Location: Cotswolds, Great Britain Architects: Philippe Starck & Yoo Architects...

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Kekec kindergarten

Location: Ljubljana Architect: Jure Kotnik, www.jurekotnik.com New trends emphasize the importance of environmentally- and child-friendly materials – and point out wood as the most appropriate...



Deciding for RIKO HIŠE equals deciding for quality and reliability, for sustainable and environmentally friendly prefabricated wooden construction. For a safe investment and excellent service. It is the decision for a unique, safe and economical home, for cosy lifestyle, tailor-made to suit your wants, and for elaborateness, weaved in every single detail.